After 10 years together, 5000 fights, numerous affairs, and hundreds of therapy sessions, this is it — the start of the end of your marriage, and perhaps the beginning of a new happier life. Getting a divorce is now the only option to get out of a toxic marriage.

If this sounds like you, you are probably considering which process would be the best option for you.

If you are considering an online divorce, then you have come to the right place. This article will discuss all you need to know about getting a divorce over the internet in Tennessee and or with more detailed information on

Page Contents

What is online divorce?

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Simply put, online divorce is the process of preparing papers online. It doesn’t mean that you can end your marriage over the internet. It is a way of getting quality forms without an attorney, saving you time and money.

The papers you receive are legal and correct.

If this sounds good to you, keep reading.

Is online divorce legal in Tennessee?

Yes, web divorce is legal in Tennessee. These services will help you receive the correct paperwork to get the proceedings rolling. The system takes care of filling out the documents needed for you to file for divorce.

Interestingly, the state of Tennessee does not offer the forms, so if you would like a DIY divorce without the help of online service, you will need to obtain the correct paperwork from your local county clerk’s office. Therefore, another advantage is that it saves you the hassle of extra visits to the court to pick up paperwork

Step by Step guide

Step 1

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Choose which online divorce service you would like to use. There are many out there, but the best option would be to use a reputable company that offers things like:

  • A 100% court approval guarantee
  • Up to date divorce papers
  • Great customer service
  • Excellent reviews from clients

Another essential thing to consider is using a company that has a proven track record. If you choose a company that lacks experience, they might not offer you the best service. This could cause frustrations on your part, as you might need to refile paperwork if you make any mistakes. It will then add to the cost of your proceedings and take up more time.

Be wary of companies that offer super cheap services; they might seem legit, but they could end up costing you more in the long run. A common trick is to lure you in with a cheap offer then surprise you with hidden fees after initiating the service.

On a side note: How much do online divorce services cost?

Depending on which online divorce service you choose, you might need to pay for the package beforehand. Packages start from as little as $137 up to around $499.

This is much cheaper than using a lawyer to end your marriage. Did you know that the average cost of a contested divorce in America is $12,900?

Step 2

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Once you have chosen the online service, you will need to fill out an online questionnaire. These questionnaires are imperative so that the online divorce company can send you the correct paperwork.

Be sure always to answer truthfully and to be specific. Questions you might be asked include:

  • Do you know the location of your spouse?
  • Can you and your spouse agree to the division of assets, debts, and any child custody-related issues?
  • Which state do you live in, and are you currently residing in the state where you are filing for divorce?

These questions are used to check if you are eligible to apply for divorce over the internet. You can only use an online service if you have an uncontested divorce. Therefore, you and your spouse must agree on how to divide your assets and debts. It also means that you must decide on child custody, maintenance, property division, spousal support (alimony).

If you are not ending things amicably, then online divorce is not for you. You would need to use a lawyer to help you get the best results for yourself and your family. A lawyer can provide you with the best legal advice to make sure that you don’t make a rash decision that could affect you for many years to come.

Step 3

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Once you qualify, you need to answer in-depth questions about your marriage, finances, children, parenting plan, and residency.

In this step, you will also need to collect documents such as:

  • your marriage certificate
  • proof of income
  • tax returns
  • Lists of your assets and debts

You need to make sure that the information you fill in is correct and truthful. Do not lie about your assets and income, as this could come back to haunt you. If a judge found out that the information you provided is untruthful, you could be fined a great deal of money.

Please note that all the information that the web divorce company asks for is necessary to fill out the forms.

Step 4

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Once you have completed all the forms and have collected the proper documentation for the proceedings, you can then file your paperwork at the court.

According to Tennessee divorce law:  “If the interested person submits papers without the participation of a spouse, he or she will need to send copies to him or her. When the spouse receives copies of the papers, the court will set the date of the first hearing. The minimum waiting period is 60 days.”

Step 5

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From here on, you might be asked to attend a court hearing, which will then finalize the divorce process. You will also be asked to pay any filing fees, ranging from $108 – $301. The vast difference in cost depends on whether you have children or not and if you asked a sheriff to serve your spouse.

The length of time you might have to wait for your divorce to be finalized could also differ. According to State law: “If you have children, there is a 90-day waiting period before the divorce is finalized. If you do not have minor children, the waiting period is reduced to 60 days….Uncontested divorce cases take around two to six months, and divorces with minor children take about a year. The process can take even longer when spouses don’t agree on matters or want to fight each other month after month.”

On a final note

Divorce is tough. Even if you choose to get an online divorce, the emotional heartache might still hit you hard. Always be kind to yourself, and if you need any extra support or advice, it’s okay to ask for help.