Whether you’re an entrepreneur who has recently launched a FinTech start-up, or you are part of a team within a financial technology organization, you might be seeking new ways to improve your customer journey. Often, FinTech companies are revolutionary in the product they bring to consumers, but the service that goes along with it can fall short. In this article, we’ll be discussing the most powerful ways that you can improve the customer experience straight away, to drive sales figures and boost your reputation.

1. Speed Up Response Time

Source: happyfox.com

Does your business have a contact feature for customers to reach out with any issues or suggestions? If so, how quickly can they expect a reply to their query? One study showed that 62% of companies ignore customer emails, and the average response time for customer service requests is a whopping 12 hours and 10 minutes. For customers, this is a frustrating reality that often leaves them looking for alternative companies that can meet their needs and address issues quickly – that’s why speeding up your customer service response time is a brilliant way to improve the customer journey and leave your users happy.

2. Boost Your UX Design

If your business has an app, then User Experience design, or UX, is everything. Invest in experienced UX designers who can bring an effortless experience to your customers, and you’ll see an instant improvement in customer satisfaction, as well as a greater chance of long-term customer loyalty.

3. Invest In Security

Source: wiseloan.com

Security is a concern for consumers around the world, especially as more and more of our information moves online. Investing in the right data security measures and products to keep customer details safe is a great way to build trust and bring your product to new audiences with confidence. Instant bank verification is just one example of several technologies that you can use, and it comes with a multitude of benefits, such as:

  • Payment Protection: By validating the identity of the bank account that payments are being sent to, payment protection means your customers can save time and energy thanks to reduced ID check delays.
  • Fast Payment Processing: Another great benefit of using an instant bank verification tool is the speed at which these systems can process payments.
  • Reduced Fraud Risk: Continued ACH account verification also significantly reduces the risk of fraud, which is not only a positive for your customers, but also saves your business money in the long term.

By investing in the right instant verification services like Yodlee bank verification, you’ll see a noticeable difference in customer trust and loyalty.

Running a start-up is challenging, especially in the busy FinTech space where organizations are constantly competing for the next big thing that will branch out into the mainstream. By improving your customer experience, you can build solid relationships with existing customers and effectively reach new ones. Following this guide is a great place to start, as improving customer service response rates and investing in Yodlee bank verification means you’ll make a tangible difference to your ways of working almost immediately – what are you waiting for?