Teeth are a very important part of our general health. If your teeth have issues your health will suffer from that and that is a fact however hard it is to accept.

Your entire digestive system starts from your mouth and the most important part of your mouth is your teeth. The food that enters your mouth is processed by your teeth and saliva which makes it easier to pass through your esophagus and down into your stomach where it will be dissolved further. People that don’t have healthy teeth or that don’t have teeth at all are usually suffering from stomach issues that are caused by insufficiently chewed food and from weight increase that comes from the same thing. If you have rotten teeth your entire organism starts to suffer and you can see it from your bad bloodwork or the increase in parameters that show potential inflammations.

Now all of that can be dealt with and some doctors have been dealing with these issues for ages – the dentists of course. As time progressed, as science followed, and as new technologies came into the picture, the ways of dentistry changed as well. From anesthetics to certain tools and now to laser technology that we are discussing.

If you require laser dental surgery and you are not sure what to think of it, read this through and familiarize yourself with the things you can expect from it. If you are in a search of a good dentist that can perform this task look no further than Peak Family Dental Care.

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1. Laser dental treatments are used for more than just surgery

Source: cyprusdentalsurgery.com

Not everything can be called surgery because not every procedure needs to be or feel that complicated. What is interesting for you to know is that laser has been used in dental practice since 1995 and since that it has been perfected to deal with things like decaying teeth, treatment of gums, treating or rather removing certain lesions, and performing biopsies on certain tissues and what most of you know by now the best – teeth whitening. So when you hear lasers and surgery do not immediately jump toward the worst thing possible because there are plenty of noninvasive procedures in dentistry that lasers are used in.

2. Everything has its pro and con

Source: 50implants1.centerblog.net

Like everything in life, dental procedures with lasers also have some benefits and drawbacks. Looking from a certain standpoint we can say that some of the benefits are:

  • Lasers cause less pain when used and they do not need as much anesthesia as regular dental tools.
  • It is a lot more accepted than dental drills, especially with patients that can’t stand or have severe anxiety about the mentioned tool.
  • The bleeding is virtually nonexistent which is an awesome thing for both you and the dentist because you get shorter healing times while the dentist sees the area clearly and can make fine adjustments on the go.
  • Using lasers in dentistry helps preserve your tooth when you are performing cavity removal, which should be your prime concern.

As for the cons they are existent but specific only to certain things like:

  • Lasers can’t be used on teeth that have previously been treated and that have fillings.
  • Dentists can’t use lasers to prepare your teeth for bridges or to remove and replace bad or broken crowns and remove those old black/silver fillings.
  • The usage of lasers does not exclude the need for anesthesia, it only reduces the amounts needed to perform the same job without lasers.
  • Doing any kind of laser treatment by a dentist usually costs a bit more than a procedure with regular tools, although it requires less expenditure (like anesthesia).

3. Faster recovery

Source: calperio.org

One of the best things that can come from this kind of surgery or any general procedure where lasers are used is the fact that your recovery time is a lot shorter than usual. The fact that your tissue or whatever else you are dealing with is cut by a laser that at the same time stops bleeding and the creation of scaring tissue is what is helping you achieve that faster recovery. With less pain and fewer scars, your tissue doesn’t react in the same way as it would if it was cut by a scalpel. In this segment, alone lasers are very praised and utilized more in more just because of these facts.

4. Price is the “problem”?!

Source: unsplash.com

Now we already mentioned this in one of the cons but let’s elaborate a bit on that. Since it is a fairly “new thing” meaning that it was just recently generally approved by the FDA the prices of these procedures are a bit high. You have to think of the cost of the dental practice that has to deal with to educate on this and the amount of money they have to invest in machines that offer good laser treatments. Besides that, there is licensing and maybe the most important things – the benefits you as a patient have from this procedure. Those are pretty much the biggest culprit that the prices are what they are. In this world, anything that will ensure you less waste of time and a good feeling right after the procedures has to cost a lot. Just look at any other aesthetic change that you can go through that ensures you a “tomorrow as nothing happened”. Just compare those prices to these and everything will be clear.

5. Less potential infections

Source: wbur.org

Although all dentists take really good care of their tools meaning good sanitation and regular maintenance and cleaning, there is always that small chance of a certain object or a tool transmitting some sort of germ on you and causing the infection and other issues. This is all sorted with lasers because laser surgery, dental, or any other for that matter, excludes any form of possible infection in the place of the procedure. That is if all other possible mistakes, human or non-human, are excluded. All in all laser dental surgery is a lot safer than a regular one and it leaves less room for errors, potential infections, or other surgery-related issues.