Polyurethane foam is everywhere. The chair or sofa that you sit in, the house live in, the car you drive to work every day, and the bed you sleep in all (most likely) contact polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam is simply a byproduct taken from crude oil, which is why it is so widely available. But the reason it is so widely used is that polyurethane is so efficient at solving a number of existing challenges and problems, specifically as it comes to energy conservation and shaping into all sorts of shapes.

High-quality polyurethane foam solutions can be easily acquired by a number of different companies such as Foam Supplies. But before you get into thinking you need polyurethane foam, it would probably be beneficial to know the top uses and applications for it in the first place.

Here are the top uses for polyurethane foam materials:

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Building Insulation


The first major use for polyurethane foam is for building insulation. Today, most buildings in the United States waste a significant percentage of the energy that goes into them. Not only is it a waste of money, it increases our carbon footprint as well.

In fact, insulation is probably the number one most important and common use for polyurethane. Due to the fact that they can be formed into just about any shape, you can use them in floors, around pipes, in cavity walls, and in roofs.


What’s more, is that polyurethane is also very durable and safe, as well as effective at actually reducing heat loss. This serves two purposes: in the summer they can help keep the interior of your houses or commercial buildings cool, and in the winter they can help to preserve the heat instead.

Insulating Freezers and Refrigerators


Polyurethane foam isn’t just useful for the insulation of homes and buildings; it’s also very useful for the insulation of freezers and refrigerators as well. And just as polyurethane is the most common insulation material used for buildings, it also is for refrigerators and freezers.

There are many reasons why polyurethane is ideal for insulating freezers and refrigerators. It is very durable and strong thanks to the natural rigidity in the foam, the fact that it sticks well to both metal and plastic, and because it is very cheap and one of the most cost-effective insulation options available.

They also help to reduce energy consumption from both freezers and refrigerators as well, which will save you money. Considering the fact that refrigerators and freezers can take around a third of your total household electricity, polyurethane can really save you a few dollars in your monthly electric bill.

Automotive Uses


Polyurethane is also widely used in the manufacturing of cars as well. As you can imagine, one of the primary reasons why polyurethane foam is used in car constructions is because of energy conservation.

Specifically, you will find polyurethane foam to be used in the armrests, seats, and headrests of most cars. Besides saving energy, they are also quite comfortable, with strong cushioning properties to help give you an overall more pleasant ride.

Furthermore, polyurethane is also often used in the bodies of the cars as well. Their strong insulation qualities will help to protect the car engine against heat.

Furniture Uses


Last but not least, polyurethane is also commonly used in the construction of furniture. In fact, most furniture would be a lot less comfortable without polyurethane, because polyurethane is very soft and provides good support, while also holding up its shape over time.

To be more specific, polyurethane is often used in the mattresses and cushions and can be built according to a variety of different densities based on manufacturer specifications. They will also shape well to the contours and shapes of your body. Memory foam in particular almost always contains polyurethane within it for this very reason and is often used in hospital furniture as well.

The Top Uses of Polyurethane Foam


There are many more uses of polyurethane foam out there, but the applications that we have covered here today are easily the most common ones. In short, polyurethane is one of the most insulating materials out there, and it’s also very rigid and durable when used in buildings and cars, but it can also be soft and adapt well to body contours when used in furniture.