It all started with a single statement,

“Content is King”

And the phrase was first coined by none of other but the amazing content prodigy himself, Bill Gates.

Yes, Bill Gates first published the statement in one of his content pieces back in 1996. Since then, many organizations have stepped forward by introducing a range of interesting content strategies.

Today, content is really everything. It defines how you put your product or describe your brand to your audience. It has many forms; it’s not only limited to words but also appear as audio and video format.

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And without a doubt, it is the key element that makes or breaks your brand when people interact.

It is a non-ethical statement, but a poor product can still be sold with great content than a good product marketed through poorly written content. Today, I am going to help you sharpen up that skill.

Here are five interesting lessons which can help you write remarkably engaging content for business.

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Lesson # 1: Build Up an Imagination, don’t Just Blurt it Out

What if a person explains to you a rainy day by stating,

“It was raining and the weather was windy.”

Doesn’t that send out a bit of a dry feel?

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What if you express that same feeling in a different way,

“It was a windy day, dark gray clouds were blotting out the sun, soon a thunder rolled out in between the clouds cracking open the sky and the first drop of rain fell on my cheek!”

Now, I am sure there’s a statement that really connects.

It’s the same when you are marketing your product. Readers like to visualize when they read something new. Don’t just settle for telling readers when you can show readers something with words.

To illustrate the concept in much clarity, here is a nice video to help you connect better.

Lesson # 2: Write After Performing Research but Keep Your Opinions

Writing a piece requires a lot of research. You have to go through a whole lot of articles, watch quite a many videos and even listen to podcasts if you had to. But, that certainly doesn’t mean you should unvoice your own opinions. They are equally as much important as the very article you are working on.

Having an opinion has a range of benefits.

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Even if you’re disagreeing and are backing your statement with a rational discussion, you are getting the job done. You are presenting yourself as an expert in the field and it’s good enough to make a point.

Sometimes, you can also be wrong. But just don’t hold back or be afraid when expressing yourself.

Lesson # 3: Don’t Just Quote Them Directly, Explain Them in Your Words

We often come across interesting and engaging articles, and we often see writers quoting famous people just the way as it is. It may seem a whole lot authentic but dissolves your own style and flow.

For example, this statement was said by Harrison during the Google Stadia reveal,

“There is no technical limitation on how we have architected the platform to support a variety of business models.”

It could’ve been expressed by the writer indirectly explaining the concept instead of simply quoting it.

“Harrison revealed that there latest release has no technical limitations when it comes to building a well thought out platform for its users. It further indicates that the new Google Stadia will surely support a variety of business models.”  

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As you can see the direct quote was made indirect. It is a great activity that will not make a writer sound like he or she is a transcriptionist. Most individuals often don’t read a particular article because, in their opinion, they only reveal what they have already heard and does not reveal anything new.

Use your creative mind to simplify the explanation for readers.

The Gully Online Magazine describe quotes in a commendable way,

“Quotes are like the salt and pepper of hard news. Don’t abuse them. Use them only when it adds something: color, humanity, authenticity, or verisimilitude.”

Lesson # 4: Adding a Visual Appeal can Help Audience Visualize

Some writers believe that when they want to communicate to their audience visually, the right way forward is to create and publish an infographic. While infographics are without a doubt, an interesting way to communicate your message, it is not the only way to deliver visually appealing information.

As I was reading this amazing piece covered by Josh Davidson working for a Branex, a web design company in Houston and I came across one of his statements which was pretty explanatory in itself,

“Producing great content ideas takes a lot of time, practice, efforts and experimentation. It is an in-depth process that requires detailed knowledge about your brand, as well as a willingness to look for new methods, latest tools,and inspirational sources so that you can bring your content to life.”

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When writing a blog post, add strong visual elements within the flow of your content to explain discussed points more clearly. You can make use of photographs or mind-captivating illustrations.

Using the right image or illustration at the right time will help you communicate the message effectively.

The best type of visual asset is the one which includes lovely looking graphs, conceptual diagrams, explanatory screenshots, and descriptive videos. Content is not just words, it’s a whole lot more.

Lesson # 5: Avoid Unwanted Repetitions in Your Content at All Times

Here is something that is definitely unappealing,

“John has an umbrella. John wanted to go out. John had to take the umbrella with him. It was raining outside.”

And yes we see that happening quite a many times while reading articles. You will be amazed to learn that I have seen such statements appearing in some of the globally recognized platforms as well.

What happened to simple,

“Since, it was raining heavily outside and John decided to go outside, he had an umbrella which he took along with him.”

When you write efficiently, it’s relatively easier for your audience to consume. Once, you have written an article for your business, all you have to do is revise it so it becomes easier for the audience to read.

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Repetition of words is acceptable in some places, where you want to create a rhythm for your audience or you want to create a flow. But, if you are using it unnecessarily, then it is definitely wrong.

Keep Your Writing Up-to-Date

So these are my five important lessons which I believe every content writer should understand. While, research and knowledge is highly engaging and effectively important, keeping your writing style up to date and improving it for the audience is also equally important. Don’t go forth with implementing all of these 5 lessons and cramming it up in a single article, take time & implement each different cases.

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So that’s all for the day folks, until next time.