Being a business owner can be both extremely rewarding and stressful. It is your job to make sure that your employees and customers are taken care of. While this may sound like a relatively easy job, it is anything but.

In the technologically advanced world of today, business owners have to work hard to stay on the cutting edge of technology. Not only can technology improve your company’s ability to communicate, but it can also be used to keep data secure and accessible.

Investing in things like backup and replication solutions provided by KeepItSafe is a great idea. Having this type of software can make backing up and storing data a breeze.

The following are some of the disaster recovery mistakes you need to avoid.

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Failing to Test Your Existing Disaster Recovery Plan

Did you realize that 23 percent of businesses in the United States never test their existing disaster recovery plan? Most business owners fail to realize that these plans need to change over time. As your business technology gets more advanced and grows in size, you need to figure out a way to alter your disaster recovery plan correctly.

Making sure that your cloud-based and physical servers are updated and secure is vital. Without this type of testing, you may face serious problems in the event of a network crash or cyber-attack. If you are unsure about how to properly test your existing recovery plan, be sure to consult with IT professionals.

These professionals will be able to run penetration tests to see how your network reacts to potential cyber-attacks. The results from these tests can help you alter and optimize both your network security and your disaster recovery plan.

Considering the Time to Restore

Most business owners invest a lot of time and effort into developing an iron-clad disaster recovery plan. One of the most common things left out of these strategies is the time it will take to recover data following a disaster. Not knowing this information can increase the amount of downtime following a disaster situation, which will cost your business even more money.

One of the biggest benefits that come with using cloud-based backups is the quick restore times they offer. You will also need to make a list of all of your applications and how business-critical they are. In the days and weeks following a disaster, you may only be able to run the most important programs on your network due to a lack of power.

Ignoring the Power and Convenience of the Cloud

Changing with the times is something you need to view as a priority. Failing to embrace modern technology will put your business at a great disadvantage. If you are looking for a way to modernize your existing backup and recovery solutions, then using a cloud-based system is vital.

Onsite servers are not only expensive, but they are also very hard to maintain. In some instances, these onsite servers may fail and cause lots of problems for your business. If you are trying to create a somewhat fail-safe disaster recovery plan, then investing in cloud-based backups is your best bet.

Reach Out To Professionals For Help

If you are scratching your head trying to figure out how to make your disaster recovery strategy better, then chances are you need professional help. An IT professional will have no problem reviewing and making changes to a disaster recovery plan. The money paid to professionals for this help will be worth it due to the results they can produce.